Sunday, September 15, 2013

Send a Letter, Feel the Love

My Sangha Support project taught me a lot.

I had started it with huge ambitions-sending a post card to every single Moksha (and now Modo) Studio AND all my fellow trainees.

Then I decided to take a step back. Sending personalized post cards to 60+ people would be a huge endeavor so I started there.

So I put out a call on our Facebook group-asking for real, live addresses (not email!) to begin building my database and working through each individual as they came in.

I got three responses and honestly, was a bit like "oh" about the entire ordeal.

And then I decided that just because it was three respondents did not mean anything. It was an opportunity to connect deeper with those three, give them the support that they needed because as much as this was "my project" it was a project designed to reconnect, reach out, and be there for someone else. My Sangha is awesome and doing what they need to do to create their lives with each moment and that is not something to be downtrodden about but to celebrate.

So I set forth and wrote cards to each of the three, reflecting back to our time at training, discussing the present/their present and hoping to continue to be there for them in the future-whenever they needed. I also included a bracelet/anklet out of a chain with an "OM" charm because I could and was able.

And then I went to the post office, envelopes addressed and sent them on their way with hopes that they would arrive as a nice surprise close to but before our 6 month anniversary of leaving each other.

 What I learned is that, sometimes, the smallest actions mean the most, intent should always be considered in action, and I truly am supported by some of the most amazing people in the world and I hope they know I'm here for them too.

Six months...just wow.

“That's what people do who love you. They put their arms around you and love you when you're not so lovable.”  -Deb Caletti